Social recruiting: A case study

Recently, we discussed Social Recruiting in a blog post and why it’s an excellent way to attract new employees and the benefits it brings to your company, especially when working with us 😉. To illustrate this, we would like to present a case study and share our experience with one of our clients.

The Challenge

A leading company in plant engineering was searching for exceptionally qualified candidates to join their growing team. The goal was to receive high-quality applications from individuals with sufficient experience in leadership roles. However, the challenge was that the Human Resources (HR) department was receiving too many applications with insufficient quality. As a result, HR faced a significant workload, and a lot of time had to be invested in pre-selecting applications.

Our Solution:

4-Step Semi-Automated Social Recruiting Strategy

We decided to implement a semi-automated Social Recruiting strategy to reach qualified candidates more effectively and efficiently. In just four steps, we were able to reach 111 professional and experienced candidates within three months. We explain how we achieved this in our 4-Step Social Recruiting Strategy.

Step 1: Target Audience Analysis
In the first step, the target audience was analyzed in detail. The focus was on understanding where this audience is actually present and which platforms they use extensively. It was crucial to identify the language the target audience speaks in their (digital) social environment, as apparently similar target groups are often active on entirely different social platforms due to various factors.

Step 2: Awareness – Creating Appealing Banners
After the target audience analysis, relevant and meaningful advertising banners were created for the respective platforms, effectively addressing the target audience and creating awareness for the job openings.

Step 3: Action – Creating a Lead Campaign
In the third step, a lead campaign with filter questions (in this case) was created on Meta. With a lead campaign, leads or data records of potential customers or applicants are collected, qualified, and then forwarded to the relevant team members. The filter questions allowed us to quickly determine whether to accept or reject based on the relevant skills and qualifications.

Step 4: Automated Emails
In the final step, automated emails were sent to the applicants with an invitation to an interview (including an automated appointment proposal) or a rejection. These emails are not recognizable as automated by the applicant since they are sent from the responsible HR staff member’s email account.

The Benefits

This Social Recruiting strategy resulted in significant time and cost savings, while simultaneously improving the quality of applications. Automation significantly shortened the pre-selection process of applications and relieved HR staff. The resources gained by the HR department could then be focused on the further application process for the most qualified individuals.

The Result

How much time does it take to review a CV, make the decision to reject or invite a candidate, and send the respective feedback? Even if this activity takes only five minutes per application, with, for example, 60 applicants, you can save five hours using our recruiting strategy.

Thanks to our Social Recruiting campaign, more than 300 people applied within three months, with an average cost of under 10 euros per lead. Out of the 300 applicants, 111 met the company’s requirements and were shortlisted.

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