Google Ads Data Manager

Google’s response to increasingly strict data protection and tracking regulations.

The “Google Ads Data Manager” is a newly announced tool by Google. Its purpose is to simplify the management of cross-channel first-party user data for use in digital marketing campaigns.

What relevance does the tool have?
User data collected directly by businesses is often more valuable than third-party data from external sources (such as browser cookies) and could be crucial for effective and profitable performance marketing in the future. So far, a large portion of online advertisers has relied on third-party tracking, which has become increasingly challenging due to stricter data protection and privacy regulations. According to Google, only one-third of advertisers on Google Ads currently utilize cross-channel first-party data. Reasons for this may include complex tracking setups, integration or API issues, and a lack of expertise.

The Google Ads Data Manager reduces the reliance on cookie-based tracking.
Companies that start utilizing their first-party user data for digital campaigns now will be better prepared for further regulations on browser cookie tracking. The Data Manager is designed to act as a unified interface within Google Ads, making it easier to access and manage cross-channel user data sets. In practice, this allows for more precise targeting and tracking. With just a few clicks, data from various sources can be merged and analyzed. Examples of integratable data sources include customer relationship management tools like HubSpot, newsletter tools like ActiveCampaign, customer data platforms like Salesforce, or e-commerce platforms like Shopify. Minimal know-how is required for integration.

Optimize tracking, targeting, and campaign performance with the Data Manager.
The use of Google Ads Data Manager offers several advantages. For example, it enables the creation of first-party audiences, allowing for more precise campaign targeting and highly personalized ad placements (think remarketing). More accurate collection of conversion data also leads to meaningful campaign results and data-driven campaign optimizations. Beyond manual optimization benefits, improved data quality provides the best conditions for AI-driven campaigns or bidding strategies. High-quality and accurate data form the foundation for effective performance. Additionally, existing options like “Enhanced Conversion Tracking” and “Custom Match” become more accessible with the Data Manager. Cross-channel data analysis and reporting also provide in-depth and holistic insights into users and customers.

The Data Manager is expected to be accessible for all Google Ads accounts in early 2024. We look forward to integrating our clients’ first-party data more intensively into online advertising and are excited to see the initial results and learnings!

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