Should your company use BeReal.?

Have you heard of BeReal.?

BeReal. is the latest photo-sharing app and the latest hype in social networks. Unlike other apps, it’s not about perfection and high-gloss filters. BeReal. aims to share authentic moments and let friends and family be part of your life. The app focuses on naturalness and spontaneity and aims to bring more ‘realness’ back to the world of social media.

How does BeReal. work?

Once a day, the app prompts users to take a photo within two minutes. The photo is then displayed on the platform for 24 hours and automatically deleted afterward. Only the BeReal. friends of the user who have uploaded photos themselves can see the photos.

What sets BeReal. apart from other social media apps is the intimacy it creates. Comments and reactions are faster and more direct because the circle of friends is smaller and closer. Additionally, there is currently no advertising on the platform. The app also has a discovery feature similar to Snapchat, but it is currently not widely used by users.

How can your business benefit from BeReal.?

BeReal. does not offer a business profile, and there is no way to advertise. Our social media expert and BeReal. enthusiast, Boldizsár Gerics, recommends BeReal. for your business nevertheless, precisely because of that. The app is super trendy and in the growth phase. Using it shows the younger generation that your brand is innovative, and your business is open to new things.

“To communicate as a modern company, it’s important to pay attention to trends and act quickly when new communication avenues open up.”
Boldizsár Gerics

Of course, we wondered what measurable value BeReal. can provide:

“The campaign for Boutgamers had a branding effect, mainly: During our BeReal. campaign, the company observed 231% more users on their site than in the previous period. Although we had fewer reactions than on other social media channels, they were of higher quality. Users remember the brand until they have the opportunity to post something on BeReal. and their contacts see the post not as an advertisement but as a recommendation or a self-chosen activity within the circle of friends.”
Boldizsár Gerics

It cannot be said how users will post about your company or brand on BeReal., and there is no best-practice case yet:

“Users will only post about your company or brand if it fits the context. However, anyone who chooses to use BeReal. should definitely promote it on other social media channels. During the campaign, Boutgamers received a lot of positive feedback for their presence on BeReal. In the end, it’s not just about the quantitative result but also about the effect on the company’s positioning.”
Boldizsár Gerics

BeReal. shows that it is possible to be innovative in the world of social media and cater to the needs of young people. If you’re looking for a new type of social media that’s not about perfection but authenticity, then BeReal. is certainly an exciting new player.

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