We love these 5 AI tools

The use of AI tools is in the DNA of Hackabu.

Our marketing managers have been relying on AI-powered programs for various tasks for quite some time. From campaign creation and conversion tracking to process optimization and response modeling, AI tools are not only a convenience but also make us work much more efficiently and effectively.

Today, we want to introduce you to a selection of AI tools that are regularly used in our Growth Consulting Agency:

As a data-driven agency, understanding complex datasets of our clients quickly is crucial for our work. A fantastic AI tool that is very helpful in this regard is Akkio. The platform is highly complex and versatile, but in summary, it is an analysis tool that works similarly to Chat GPT and other AI assistants. You can feed the platform with data and then perform various functions through the chat function.

Akkio makes it much easier to interpret our clients' data. The program has various applications, from sorting and collecting all kinds of business data to strategy development and forecasting. Additionally, you can feed a "next best action" model, which helps optimize all KPIs for the future.

Another AI assistant is Cogram, a program that automatically takes notes during virtual meetings and identifies important points. The data remains secure and private as no audio or video recordings of meetings are stored. Cogram is exciting for us because it allows us to give our full attention to the other party, whether it's a meeting with clients or internal discussions. Additionally, the AI tool automatically filters the most important decisions, agreements, and next steps. This way, everything is at a glance.

You can also customize Cogram for each meeting individually and adapt it to the specific discussion or team. The AI tool can easily be added to Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and other video conferencing platforms.

Alternatively, you can upload audio files from which the most important points are extracted. When integrated with email programs and calendars, Cogram will automatically send notifications after meetings.

In addition, we use Anyword, an AI copywriter that helps us generate texts and optimize them for conversions and traffic. The texts include captions for social media posts, blog articles, website content, emails, and more. These texts already incorporate essential keywords through SEO optimization, and they are unique, thanks to an integrated plagiarism check.

What sets Anyword apart in the market is that the tool is the only generative AI that writes ads, verifies their performance, and predicts engagement.

The AI copywriter also provides powerful predictive analytics to determine which texts can achieve our goals in terms of conversions, engagement, and reach. Furthermore, a brand dictionary and guideline can be created for all employees to follow. Therefore, this AI tool is extremely helpful in performance marketing and content marketing.

Many people previously thought that AI in digital marketing was mainly used for text, but now you can also create fantastic creatives with tools like This AI tool generates effective advertisements and social media post visuals in seconds. creates visuals based on data such as target audiences and specific platforms, claiming that data-driven creatives yield better results than non-data-driven ones. According to their claims, 95% of users improved their click-through rate (CTR) in the first month. Such claims should be taken with caution, but so far, we have a very positive impression of the tool.

In addition to visuals and banners for every advertising platform, the AI tool also creates creatives for social media posts aimed at achieving high engagement. Additionally, the tool can analyze image material to determine which ad or post performed best. learns from this data and generates even better, personalized results for the next generation.

The fifth AI tool we want to introduce is TextCortex. This tool combines several products and features, including an AI assistant, an AI texter as a browser extension, text templates, and more. TextCortex works with the ChatGPT alternative Zeno. This AI assistant can also be added to the browser to assist in creating blog posts, essays, articles, and more. Zeno not only functions as a chat like ChatGPT but also serves as a database. If you cannot find a template for the desired text in the TextCortex database, called the Creator Suite, the assistant generates a completely new one. Additionally, Zeno can summarize the key points and to-dos from an existing text. This is especially helpful for meeting notes and eliminates the need for a separate AI app.

The browser extension of TextCortex assists with writing itself, especially when struggling with formulation or rephrasing. You also have the option to adapt existing texts, check grammar and spelling, shorten or lengthen texts, and even translate them.

We use this tool for creating blog posts, ad copy, product descriptions, YouTube video descriptions, and many other types of content. The texts are precise and aligned with the latest marketing trends.

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Hackabu GmbH

Schleifmühlgasse 7/11
1040 Vienna

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