Social Recruiting instead of Newspaper Advertisement

The job market has changed. Job changes are no longer uncommon today, and even the job search process itself has evolved. Do you know anyone who still flips through a newspaper to find their dream job?

Not only the search for a new position but also the application process now takes place online. With the rise of social media, a unique phenomenon has emerged: social recruiting.

Traditional recruiting is no longer sufficient.

Newspaper ads, job portals, and the like are no longer the first port of call when it comes to finding a new job. Therefore, companies must actively present themselves in the environment where potential candidates move – on social networks.

Active employer branding on social media and other channels plays a crucial role in social recruiting. Large, well-known companies often have an advantage over small and medium-sized enterprises due to their larger marketing and employer branding budgets. The latter find it more challenging to reach potential candidates.

Another barrier often encountered is the application process itself. If it’s too complicated, you may lose applicants quickly. If you want to fill a specific role, but don’t optimize the application process accordingly, you’ll receive many irrelevant applications that unnecessarily prolong the hiring process.

How Does Social Recruiting Work with Hackabu?

To attract top-notch candidates through social recruiting, several factors need to be considered. We offer the optimal support. With our years of expertise in digital marketing and the use of innovative tools, we reach the desired target audience and help simplify and streamline the application process. In just two weeks, we create a tailored campaign that authentically engages potential candidates.

First, during an initial kick-off meeting, we define the target audience and create an ideal candidate profile. In line with this, we develop messages and communications tailored to the motivations, needs, and values of the target audience. We also discuss the right channels and (online) networks to reach potential candidates.

Then, it’s time to get down to business. We implement tracking and omni-channel measurement for precise performance measurement. The previously defined KPIs form the basis for ongoing optimization. Omni-channel describes the simultaneous use of two or more channels.

Additionally, we develop outreach funnels and straightforward application methods, along with compelling ads and all the content required for it. Outreach funnels allow us to address different target groups with various messages.

To find out which messages are most effective, we conduct tests and then send only those that perform best to the target audience. Throughout the campaign, we optimize the channels and messages and provide result analysis.

Your Benefits with Our Social Recruiting at a Glance:

  • Active engagement of candidates in their respective digital (social) environments
  • Authentic communication with candidates in their language
  • Highly targeted and relevant reach through the use of targeting options in social/online media
  • Cost-efficiency through precise target group definition and automation
  • A high number of relevant applications through automation in the initial part of the application process
  • Strengthening of the employer brand (employer branding)

Newspaper advertisements were yesterday; social recruiting is today. To attract top-notch candidates, social recruiting should be at the top of your list. Even though there are several factors to consider, when the open positions are successfully filled with the right people who share your company’s values, it’s worth it.

Contact us now

Get in touch with our Hackabu Growth Consulting team for a free growth audit or to learn more about our growth marketing services and consultancy.

Hackabu GmbH

Schleifmühlgasse 7/11
1040 Vienna


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