
​​The “dark influence” of the Meta advertising campaign

As Growth Marketers, we also try to track what others cannot measure.

In today’s post, we’ll show you an example of this:

We use the concept of the “dark” influence of Meta advertising campaigns. While it may sound ominous, it’s quite common in digital marketing. It refers to the fact that the direct effects of your campaigns, especially on social media platforms, are not immediately measurable and, therefore, remain hidden.

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UTM parameters: All you need to know

What are UTM Parameters?
UTM Parameters (Urchin Traffic Monitor), also known as UTM tags or codes, are customizable snippets of text that allow analytics software like Google Analytics and Autopilot to track campaign traffic. In simple terms, a UTM code is a snippet of text that helps you monitor the success of various web content. Appending UTM parameters to the end of a URL can help answer questions such as: What is the traffic source? (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) What keywords brought the user to your website? (e.g., utm_term=growth+hacking+tips). If you have multiple links on a page leading to the same URL, for example, a landing page with two CTA buttons, the code utm_content can help you analyze their individual performance.

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Google Ads Data Manager

The “Google Ads Data Manager” is a newly announced tool by Google. Its purpose is to simplify the management of cross-channel first-party user data for use in digital marketing campaigns.

What relevance does the tool have?
User data collected directly by businesses is often more valuable than third-party data from external sources (such as browser cookies) and could be crucial for effective and profitable performance marketing in the future. So far, a large portion of online advertisers has relied on third-party tracking, which has become increasingly challenging due to stricter data protection and privacy regulations. According to Google, only one-third of advertisers on Google Ads currently utilize cross-channel first-party data. Reasons for this may include complex tracking setups, integration or API issues, and a lack of expertise.

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What should be tracked in performance marketing

Performance marketing is a powerful and data-driven strategy for driving business growth. Unlike traditional marketing methods, performance marketing is based on and focuses on measurable interactions with the target audience of a campaign to create highly efficient marketing measures. To achieve this, these reactions must be tracked.

Why Tracking?
Tracking collects data that can serve both as a means of measuring success and as a way to readjust the marketing strategy for even better results.

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Social recruiting: A case study

Recently, we discussed Social Recruiting in a blog post and why it’s an excellent way to attract new employees and the benefits it brings to your company, especially when working with us ?. To illustrate this, we would like to present a case study and share our experience with one of our clients.

The Challenge

A leading company in plant engineering was searching for exceptionally qualified candidates to join their growing team. The goal was to receive high-quality applications from individuals with sufficient experience in leadership roles. However, the challenge was that the Human Resources (HR) department was receiving too many applications with insufficient quality. As a result, HR faced a significant workload, and a lot of time had to be invested in pre-selecting applications.

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22 growth hacks you may not know yet

Starting a business is anything but easy, and it can also be quite expensive. Our Hackabu Growth Consulting Team has therefore compiled a list of 22 Growth Hacks and growth factors that will give your company the necessary boost. While there is no magic universal recipe for success, applying these Growth Hacks is the best way to learn from the successes of other entrepreneurs.

Make use of our growth ideas to learn the science, know-how, and creativity behind Growth Hacking, get inspired, and develop your own ideas.

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Social Recruiting instead of Newspaper Advertisement

The job market has changed. Job changes are no longer uncommon today, and even the job search process itself has evolved. Do you know anyone who still flips through a newspaper to find their dream job?

Not only the search for a new position but also the application process now takes place online. With the rise of social media, a unique phenomenon has emerged: social recruiting.

Traditional recruiting is no longer sufficient. Newspaper ads, job portals, and the like are no longer the first port of call when it comes to finding a new job. Therefore, companies must actively present themselves in the environment where potential candidates move – on social networks.

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Success in Social Media Marketing: The CEEPIT Formula for Social Networks

Effective Social Media Growth
Do you want to grow on social media? In short, it doesn’t have to be a competition, but there’s nothing wrong with feeling a competitive drive. Setting ambitious goals for yourself and then consistently pursuing and achieving them, or even exceeding them, can boost both your motivation and long-term growth. Follow the CEEPIT formula (Communicate – Experiment – Engage – Promote – Influence – Track) if you want to be at the forefront of social media marketing to achieve rapid growth.

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Cool AI Updates by Google

As mentioned in our blog post about our 5 favorite AI tools, we are big fans of AI and follow developments in this industry with passion and great interest!

Just recently, in a social media post, we explained the updates from Bing, Microsoft’s AI chatbot, as the new features have caused quite a stir. Now, Google is following suit and has introduced a variety of innovations at the Google I/O developer conference that we don’t want to keep from you.

New Google Search Experience – soon, more AI-powered Googling
‍It’s currently just an experiment in the USA, but it will soon be available to all users: Google Search is undergoing a fundamental change. With the help of AI, search queries are expected to deliver even more value in the future. Are you looking for a specific product? Google Search will soon show you relevant images, posts, product reviews, and tips. This will allow you to get more out of your search query. A chatbot that is available directly in the search results will answer additional questions on the topic and refine your research.

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Should your company use BeReal.?

Have you heard of BeReal.?
BeReal. is the latest photo-sharing app and the latest hype in social networks. Unlike other apps, it’s not about perfection and high-gloss filters. BeReal. aims to share authentic moments and let friends and family be part of your life. The app focuses on naturalness and spontaneity and aims to bring more ‘realness’ back to the world of social media.

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